Fantasywarriors will do its best to guarantee the platform's security and error-free operation (website/app). Nevertheless, there is no guarantee provided by Fantasywarriorsor any of its affiliates, licensors, or partners that:
Fantasywarriorsretains the right to use any method it sees fit to correct any errors found in the selection of winners or in the transfer of funds to a user's account, including (but not limited to) deducting the amount of the mistaken payment from amounts owed to the user or setting off the mistaken payment amount from the user's account. In such cases, Fantasywarriorsconsents to inform the User of the problem and the corrective action taken to fix it.
As required by law, Fantasywarriors, its partners, licensors, and associates disclaim all liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages resulting from using or not being able to use our websites, even if we have been informed that such damages may occur.
Any event or contest that requires special permission or authority from a statutory authority, a state, the federal government, the board of directors, or any other entity, may be canceled by Fantasywarriorsif the necessary permission or authority is not obtained or is denied before or after the relevant event or contest is organized.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, users consent that Fantasywarriorsmay suspend or terminate any services, events, or contests it organizes or sponsors, and they also agree to waive any rights to demand compensation.